
Breastfeeding Support

Kathy O'Brien CD-Doula HCHI, HD-HypDoula & Breastfeeding Specialist

I support all women who nurse- providing resources, physical support, emotional support and information. I provide support at and after Birthing.

I always provide Breastfeeding support in my home for free. There is a charge of $35.00 per hour (including drive time) to come to you.

Please call me at 817.991.7494 to set an appointment.

Breastfeeding Children is the REAL Greening of our Planet

To date, human milk is the only substance available to provide complete nutrition and immunologic protection to the human infant. 

Infant health outcomes from receiving human milk correlate with both immediate and lifelong effects on children's lives. Added outcomes of human lactation are the many physical and psychological benefits for the lactating woman. Additionally, lactation and breastfeeding have the potential to save health, money for families, tax payers, employers, and the healthcare system. All of this makes nursing, TRULY the "Milk of Human Kindness".

I believe in Mother Centerd/BabyFriendly, Evidence Based Care and that the Family IS the center of ALL care. I refer frequently to La Leche League as well as Lactation Consultants.

I also support the TDH (Texas Department of Health as laid out below).

Texas public and private sectors need to implement strategies to create environments that facilitate breastfeeding as the norm of infant feeding. All entities involved in maternal and infant health need to become more knowledgeable on how to assist mothers with breastfeeding management, provide services that maximize the importance of human milk to infants, incorporate lactation-support programs into the field of maternal and child healthcare services, and implement policies and strategies that protect the success of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding support links for your reference:

Holistic Moms Network

Nocturnal Nursing group on Facebook is excellent for support!

I am a Breastfeeding/Post-Frenectomy Specialist:

Dr. Stacy Cole does Frenectomies also, M-Th 817.731.9291

Breastfeeding Should Be Fun AND Enjoyable...by Dr. Kotlow


Effects of Maxillary Frenum Attachment

.....and for Parents and Professionals


The IATP defines tongue-tie as an: Embryological remnant of tissue in the midline between the undersurface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth that restricts normal tongue movement.



NIN Project